mercoledì 21 settembre 2011


Two more weeks to go.

 I love this waiting time because it is so tender. My husband says some dreams should never come true (hope he doesn't mean my arrival to his life), so we always feel the pleasure to dream them. Its nice to think about little red guy somewhere out there. Open my laptop and see his picture, and think how absoulutely nice and sweet he is. And how much I'd love to cuddle him! 100% positive. Just think, no mess, no barking, no "poopee" around .... HE IS MY PERFECT DOG!
Tanya posted new pictures yesterday. Russian autumn brings fun to him and his littermates.

It happends to me often to think about how my life changed since my first dog entered into my life years ago.I remember when I went to pick her up how happy I was, how happy I was through all her puppyhood, how happy I was through many more years to come. It was unconditioned and simple relationship. There were no expectations or judging. Love to dog shows ruins that special magic people have with their dogs... From the time I became dog sports person it all went sort of wrong. Those pure feelings never came back to me. Because I look at dogs through "the standard" glasses, I think what the experts and others will say..... ufffff! I am happy that Iris is not a bouledogue and that I have no idea about rabbit hunting! May be the magic will return!

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Lets Get It Started!

My name is Anna Denisova. I am from Russia. I live in Italy (on a beautiful Lake of Varese almost on a border with Switzerland). I am an R+ dog trainer and a French Bulldog breeder. Thou this blog is not about me, but my new dog Colistos Iris, who is Cirneco dell'Etna puppy.

 So, who is Iris?
First time I heard of a breed about a year ago from my husband, Carlo. I saw those pictures in Google of elegant red dogs with big ears. They did and still remind me my mom's Abyssinian cat - Knopka.
As a dog trainer and a breeder I give equaly big importance to both Nature and Nurture. That's why, when I had a pleasure to get to know Mrs. Butt, the owner of Colistos Kennel, I knew my cirneco would be Colisto's. Mrs Butt is not only a knowledgeble breeder with a unique ability to combine the grace and the power in her dogs, but she is a wonderful puppy nanny too. Choosing the puppy from her I feel I have a guarantee for both puppy's mental and phisical health as well as a wise mentor who would be there for us through out the dog's life. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, TATIANA, FOR THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.
So, kennel decision was made and very soon I wrote Tatiana that I would be much honored to buy a female puppy with show potential from her. She had two litter's at the moment. One out of Verna del Gelso Bianco (pictured above), who is my most favorite cirneco, because exactly her foto made me fall in love with a breed months ago. Verna had only males. Other litter was out of Iside and Pablo  - two wonderful dogs of her. There were 2 girls availiable, so we agreed to wait and see how they grow. Time was passing by,  regulary Tatiana would put new pictures of the litter on her Facebook profile, and one day I saw him. I said to myself : " No no no no, male is not good for me. I need a female."
I knew I was already in love.
Today Iris is 6 weeks old and he is still in Moscow with his mom & littermates. He will be arriving home on 3d of October. Needless to say I can't wait to see him and all the house is getting ready for the red fox arrival. I'd love Iris to become a real "trainer's dog" and may be one day agility champion. So this time of waiting is dedicated to thinking, planning, writing training plans and preparing all the equipment. But more on this in my next post!